Hello, reader!
You stumbled upon a secret area of bucketlist.games: our Content Declaration page.
If you managed to get here from a link on our site, disregard this page and continue reading the many great original articles written for this site.
Otherwise, if you followed a Content Declaration link that directed you here from any site other than bucketlist.games, this means that our content has been stolen and copied without our permission.
What Is Bucket List Games’ Content Declaration?
This page serves as proof of original content created and produced by bucketlist.games.
How Can You Help Us Report This Dastardly Thievery?
READERS: We would greatly appreciate you sending an email to us by visiting our contact page and sending us the URL/web address/link to the specific webpage or pages you followed our link from to get to this page.
This will help us to report stolen and copied content. Please visit our contact page and contact us by visiting this email:

CONTENT REVIEWER: If you are reviewing our case after we have reported content that originated on bucketlist.games has been copied and/or stolen (and you have followed the link from the copied article back to this page), we present this page as valid proof of our claims.
How Did You Get Here?
You were directed to this declaration of content page on bucketlist.game by one of two methods:
- You accidentally clicked on a hidden punctuation mark placed purposefully on posts and pages on bucketlist.games to provide proof of ownership and original content creation.
- You purposefully clicked on a link during the reviewing process from bucketlist.games original content copied /stolen by another site.
This page and our links are non-indexed and should be repsected as such. If you managed to navigate to this page by pother means, please let us know by visiting our contact page and contact us by visiting this link.
Content Declaration Disclosure
The purpose of this page is to serve as proof of original content created and produced by bucketlist.games and to find and stop content thieves from taking our original work.
Our hidden Content Declaration links are no-index and this page is no-index and no-follow, preventing search engines from serving them to users. We are not using this page or our Content Declaration links to drive traffic, build backlinks, etc.
The sole purpose is to stop thieves.
Thank you for your time and help to stop content thieves. We appreciate your effort. Please enjoy the great original content on our site!