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The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Fan Fiction “Silver Lynel”

Enjoy this gripping story about my encounter with a dangerous Silver Lynel. Read now!


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Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)

Today, I wanted to share with you a story I wrote after an epic showdown I had in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

I love Breath of the Wild so much that I played over 200 hours, beat it twice, and I still wanted more from it.

Therefore, I wrote a tale to share with fellow Zelda fans like myself so the journey could continue on.

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The Inspiration

This story was inspired by my encounter with a Silver Lynel.

It’s a challenging and ferocious foe from my The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild playthrough.

Read on for how this intense battle went down.

Enjoy the story!

“The Silver Lynel”

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

by WallyGX

Paralyzed by the beast’s attack, Link wondered why he wandered into the Coliseum Ruins in the first place.

But he would not have much time to contemplate such matters.

The horned creature roared, preparing a fatal blow that would finish the grounded Hero of Time with ruthless aggression.

~Moments Earlier~

Link gliding past a mountain (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

The Coliseum Ruins came into view when Link made yet another successful paragliding trip.

He climbed the rocks and made it to solid ground in hopes of finding a Korok, a rare weapon, or something special.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

But when he rounded the corner, something in the distance saw him before he saw it.

Link stood still as he made out the silhouette at the far end of the dilapidated coliseum.

His heart skipped a beat.

It was the most dangerous of all creatures:

A Silver Lynel. A horned beast with the strength of ten giants without an ounce of fear in its muscular, scarred body.

A single blow from the creature would mean the end for any normal being.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

But Link, no ordinary man, stood without fear.

He charged forward with his bow drawn, hoping to cause as much damage with regular arrows before the creature could do the same to him.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

The hero moved closer and took aim at the beast’s weak point: The center of the Lynel’s head.

This, however, only served to anger the Lynel into drawing its glowing blade.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

Link withdrew from close quarter combat and unleashed a flurry of bomb arrows at the monster as fast as his hands could let the arrows fly.

A large explosion (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

Explosions burst in the sky like a barrage of fireworks.

A large explosion (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

And the explosions engulfed the beast as it flailed about in a mixture of pain and disbelief.

A large explosion (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

Flames roared, explosions occurred, and yet, the battle raged on. But not without repercussions.

Link kneeling (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

The visibly shaken hero fell to a knee in exhaustion.

His horned foe somehow shook away the dying flames from its body to regain composure.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

The visibly damaged Lynel charged at Link with its blade arched in the air in preparation of cutting the hero in half.

In mid gallop, the monster arched its chest outward with its arms at its side and let out a deafening roar.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

Paralyzed by the beast’s attack, Link wondered why he wandered into the Coliseum Ruins in the first place.

But he would not have much time to contemplate such matters.

The horned creature roared again, as it prepared a fatal blow that would finish the grounded Hero of Time with ruthless aggression.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

Link would not be finished so easily, engaging in a variety of attacks as a last resort.

A swing of a large blade . . .

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

. . . and a direct arrow shot at the closest of range.

Link’s gut, though, told him the fight was far from over.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

The battle waged during the darkest of night, into the early morning, and to noon of the next day.

The sun that blanketed the rest of Hyrule now shined a spotlight on the two combatants locked in mortal combat.

But Link ignored the tiredness that pulled at his limbs.

Instead, he used his skills and dodged the beast’s blade and countered with even more strikes of his sword.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

And eventually . . .

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

 . . . eventually . . .

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

 . . . the beast stopped moving . . .

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

 . . . engulfed by nothingness . . .

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

. . . and the Hero of Time stood victorious.

Link battling a horse foe (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

Although he did not find a Korok in the Coliseum Ruins on this day, he did find treasure and an epic encounter with a Silver Lynel.

Link looking at a rundown stadium (zelda breath of the wild screenshot)
Image: Nintendo

But his adventure was only beginning.

A mysterious Coliseum Ruins stood in front of Link and the rest of Hyrule waited to be explored.


Thank you for reading my The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild fan fiction.

I hope you enjoyed this tale and have been inspired to hop back into the fantastical world of Breath of the Wild.

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(Screenshots taken by me. Images sourced from product pages, websites, or social media and are credited appropriately. Logos, images, etc. belong to their respective owners. All information current at time of publication.)

IMAGE: Nintendo

wally gx bio image of cartoon version of author, happy and smiling with glasses on blue background

Wally GX

Writer, creator Bucket List Games