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New Pokémon Gardevoir Added To Pokémon Unite (Update)

Pokémon Unite gains its first new playable Pokémon on July 28th. Learn about the Psychic-Fairy type Gardevoir, its moves, and how to obtain it. Read now!


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A green and white pokemon posing (pokemon unite screenshot)
A green and white pokemon posing (pokemon unite screenshot)

The Psychic-Fairy type Pokémon Gardevoir has been added as a playable character in Pokémon Unite.

Gardevoir can be obtained in Pokémon Unite starting July 28th, 2021.

Read on for details!

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The Pokémon Unite News

Pokémon Unite has added its very first extra character: Gardevoir.

Gardevoir is a slinky, green and white Psychic-Fairy type Pokémon that uses its Psychic abilities to crush the competition.

About Gardevoir In Pokémon Unite

Gardevoir is a Ranged Attacker class that is meant to be played from afar.

It also has an epic ultimate Unite Move called the Fairy Singularity: this maneuver sucks in nearby opponents and then deals damage to them.

How To Obtain Gardevoir In Pokémon Unite

Obtaining Gardevoir in Pokémon Unite is simple.

From the main menu

  • select Shop at the bottom of the screen
  • Select Unite Battle Committee shop
  • Tab over to the Attacker type tab
  • Select and purchase Gardevoir

How Much Does Gardevoir Cost In Pokémon Unite?

Gardevoir has a middle tier price point.

To purchase Gardevoir you will either need Aeos coins or Aeos gems.

I suggest spending Aeos coins on Gardevoir as Aeos coins can be earned for free by playing the game whereas Aeos gems must be purchased with real money.

Gardevoir costs

  • 8,000 Aeos coins / 460 Aeos Gems

The New Pokémon Details

Gardevoir is a Ranged Attacker type that benefits from ranged play. Stay far from your opponents, deal damage, and then go in for the kill.

Gardevoir focuses primarily on its offensive strengths and has moderate goal scoring capabilities.

Gardevoir’s Pokémon Unite Base Stats:

  • Offense 4.5/5
  • Scoring 3/5
  • Endurance 1.5/5
  • Mobility 1.5/5
  • Support 1.5/5

Gardevoir’s Pokémon Unite Move List:

  • Level 1 And 3: Confusion
  • Level 1 And 3:  Teleport
  • Level 6: Psyshock
  • Level 6:  Future Sight
  • Level 8: Psychic
  • Level 8: Moonblast
  • Level 10: Fairy Singularity (Unite Move)
  • Passive: Synchronize

The Pokémon Unite Gardevoir Tweet

The Official Pokémon Unite Twitter account tweeted about Gardevoir’s Pokémon Unite debut on July 27th and July 28th, 2021.

See the Tweets here.

TWEET TEXT: Some details on Gardevoir’s stats and moves before it joins us for Unite Battles starting tomorrow! #PokemonUNITE

TWEET TEXT: Gardevoir has officially arrived in #PokemonUNITE!

Read More Great Articles

Now you know all about Gardevoir’s Pokémon Unite debut and how to obtain it.

Bookmark this site to stay up to date with even more Pokémon Unite guides, tips, and tricks.

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(Screenshots taken by me. Images sourced from product pages, websites, or social media and are credited appropriately. Logos, images, etc. belong to their respective owners. All information current at time of publication.)

SOURCE: Pokémon Unite website | Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc / Tencent

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Wally GX

Writer, creator Bucket List Games