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How To Solve Warframe’s Nightwave: Series 3 Glassmaker Act 2

Learn how to solve Warframe’s Nightwave Glassmaker Act 2 quest with detailed pictures in this step-by-step guide.


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warframe man frozen in glass
warframe man frozen in glass

Today, I’m going to explain to you how to solve the Nightwave Glassmaker Act 2 quest in Warframe. This is the second act in the Glassmaker storyline.

Warframe’s Nightwave: Series 3 Glassmaker Act 2 requires five clues to be found before heading into a platform area that must be traversed within sixty seconds. There, an obelisk must be activated to complete the quest.

I’ll show you how to find each of the five clues and how to navigate the platform area in this handy guide.

Use the links below if you are looking to solve Glassmaker’s other acts.

If you are interested in checking out the most popular gaming gift cards, you can find them by clicking here.

How To Solve Nightwave Glassmaker Guide Directory:

What is Warframe?

Cyborg ninja holding a sword behidn its back in front of a giant orange moon or planet in the sky
Warframe is available on all major consoles

Warframe is a free-to-play action game for Steam PC (computer), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Players take control of a powerful space ninja to complete quests, gather loot, craft weapons and gear all while battling ferocious foes across the universe.

This popular single and multiplayer game includes additional features that are free including a compelling ongoing storyline called Nightwave.

What is Nightwave: Series 3 Glassmaker?

How To Solve Nightwave Glassmaker Act 4 Warframe PC 0
The Glassmaker Nightwave Acts

Warframe’s Nightwave: Series 3 Glassmaker is an in-game event with on-going story elements split up in episodic “acts”.

  • Each act is released over the course of the year and includes story and interactive elements.
  • Each act requires the player to become a detective, find clues, and solve a mystery.
  • Lastly, the player must navigate an open space by jumping on correct platforms in order to get to the goal within 60 seconds.
  • Fail and the player must re-do the Act.

Nightwave: Series 3 Glassmaker began on May 12, 2020.

[Warframe Wiki]

Why Should You Complete Nightwave: Series Glassmaker Act 2?

How To Solve Nightwave Glassmaker Act 4 Warframe PC 1
Check out the reward tiers at the top row.

Completing a Nightwave act will give you a decent chunk of Nightwave Standing.

Collecting Nightwave Standing will increase your Nightwave Standing Rank.

Usually, 10,000 points of Nightwave Standing will increase your rank.

Each Rank increase will give you a reward. These rewards are usually desirable, uncommon, rare, or (at the very least) useful items such as cosmetics or mods.

And the best part? The rewards are entirely free.

How To Solve Nightwave Glassmaker Act 2

A man in agony frozen in glass shards
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Now, let’s go over how to complete Warframe’s Glassmaker Act 2 step-by-step.

STEP 1 – Acquire Cephalite Resonance

Two soldiers covered in glass next to a portal as a space ninja looks at them
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Cephalite Resonance is unique resource that certain enemies drop during Nightwave: Series 3 Glassmaker.

And 5 pieces of Cephalite Resonance are required to accept Glassmaker Act 2 (or any other acts you have yet to complete).

That is to say, 5 Cephalic Resonance will be used immediately upon accepting an Act.

So, make sure you are ready to solve the mystery ahead before accepting the Act.

How do you acquire Cephalite Resonance?

You can acquire Cephalite Resonance by taking on most quests along the star chart on pretty much any planet.

During a quest, Nora (the in-game Nightwave radio host) will appear on screen to tell you that Resonance has been spotted nearby.

  • Unique enemies covered in glass will appear.
  • Defeat these enemies by hitting the glass shard on their body first to make them vulnerable.
  • Then finish them off by any means in order to potentially collect Cephalite Resonance.

Keep in mind, you may only hold up to 20 Cephalite Resonance at one time.

[Warframe Wiki]

STEP 2 – Accept Glassmaker Act 2 Quest On Your Ship

An armored ninja standing in front of a console on his ship with a yellow arrow pointing to the console
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Walk to the Nightwave console on your ship.

The console is default-located directly behind you and to the right if you are located at the front of your ship.

A computer console on screen display of various items with icons in a row next to a woman's bottom half of her face and a giant yellow arrow pointing at a shape at the bottom right portion of the screen
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Then, select Glassmaker Act 2 on the bottom right portion of the screen.

Act 2 will start automatically the first time you interact with the console.

STEP 3 – Find the Five Clues

Now, you must find all five clues before you are able to move ahead.

Each clue is randomly placed throughout the map (from what I understand) so I recommend you look up and down and everywhere you can to find them.

I will now show you how each one looks like so you will have an idea of what they look like while you are searching for them.

REMINDER: You may not find these clues in the exact same order as I did but the clues will remain the same.


A close up of an electronic device next to the electronic device on a shelf with a yellow arrow pointing to it
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Find the Upmarket Brochure (Defaced).

An electronic device with text description of said device with an arrow pointing to the text description
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Interact with the electronic device to get a clue.

Search Tip:

Look for an electronic floppy disk.

Personally, I found the disk on the top shelf of a locker lining the wall of the room.

Clue to remember:

The specific DESIGN and MARKINGS on the electronic device.


A close up of a mask next to the mask on a bench with a yellow arrow pointing at the mask
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

The next clue is a Corpus Helmet.

A mask next to a text message of the mask with an arrow pointing at said text message
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Interact with the helmet to get a clue.

Search Tip:

Look for a rather large object that is big on one side and small and narrow on the other.

Personally, I found this clue lying on top of a bench near where the hanging bodies are located.

Clue to remember:

The specific SHAPE of the helmet.


A close up of an electronic device next to the device beneath a bench with a yellow arrow pointing at the device
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

The next clue is another electronic device.

A close up of an electronic device next to a text message about the device with a yellow arrow pointing at the test message
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Interact with the Radiometrics Data tablet for another clue.

Search tip:

Look for a blue square-like floppy disk.

Personally, I found this clue lying underneath a bench next to the hanging bodies.

Clue to remember:

The number 36 in the description box.


A close up of a key card next to a key card beneath a bench with a yellow arrow pointing at the keycard
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

The next clue is an ID badge.

A keycard next to a message of the keycard with a yellow arrow pointing at the keycard's emblem
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Interact with the Corpus ID Badge for your next clue.

Search tip:

Look for a small, rectangular card.

Personally, I found this clue lying underneath a bench next to the hanging bodies.

Clue to remember:

The letter M SYMBOL inside the description box.


A close up of a notepad next to a notepad wedged into a locker with an arrow pointing at the pad
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

The next clue is a notepad.

A close up of a notepad a test message about the pad with a yellow arrow pointing at the text
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Interact with Journal to receive another clue.

Search Tip:

Look for a long, closed pad.

This was the hardest clue for me to find since it was wedged inside the bottom layer of a locker lining the walls.

REMINDER: Look everywhere if you can’t find a clue.

Clue to remember:

The words A JOKE inside the description box.

Congratulations! You have all 5 clues to Glassmaker Act 2.

A man in agony frozen in glass shards
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Head back to the crystalized person, and interact with it to pay your 5 Cephalite Resonance to advance to the next stage.

STEP 4 – Navigate the Platforms

How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Welcome to the platform section of Act 2!

You’ll have 60 seconds to jump from one platform to the next until you reach the obelisk waiting at the end.

Unsuccessfully navigating the platforms will result in failure.

You’ll have to redo Act 2 if . . .

  • you fall off a platform
  • jump into the abyss
  • time runs out
  • or if you select the wrong platform

You’ll also need 5 additional Cephalite Resonance to re-accept the Act. Follow this guide word-for-word and you’ll do just fine.

REMINDER: The order of the platforms is random but the clues remain the same.

Now is the time to put the 5 clues we collected earlier to work.


The words "A Joke" up close next to a platform with the words "a joke" hovers over it and a yellow arrow pointing at the platform
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Jump on the platform with the words A JOKE.


A close up of a orb with the letter M in it next to a platform with the orb hovering over it and a yellow arrow pointing at the platform
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Jump on the platform with the LETTER M EMBLEM.


The number 36 close up next to a platform with 36 hovering above it with a yellow arrow pointing at the number
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Jump on the platform with the number 36.


A close up of a mask next to the mask hovering over a platform with a yellow arrow pointing at the mask
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Jump on the platform with the correctly shaped CORPUS HELMET.


An electronic screen close up next to a platform with the screen hovering over it with a yellow arrow pointing at the screen
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Jump on the platform with the correctly marked UPMARKET BROCHURE.

You’ve traversed all 5 platforms, but you’re not done yet!


A space ninja standing next to an obelisk on a platform
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Maneuver to the final platform and interact with the obelisk at the center to complete Nightwave: Series 3 Glassmaker Act 2.

STEP 5 – Celebrate

A space ninja in a space shift with text on screen detailing the amount of nighwave points acquired
How To Solve Warframe Glassmaker Act 2

Obtain your Nightwave standing and celebrate the completion of your Glassmaker Act 2.

Two down, three more to go. But wait: don’t stop there!

Continue solving the rest of Warframe’s acts by using the other guides on Bucket List Games.

Read More Great Articles

You now know how to solve Warframe’s Nightwave: Series 3 Glassmaker Act 2 detective quest, the first Glassmaker story mission.

Bookmark this site to stay up to date with even more Warframe guides.

Check out all Warframe related articles on Bucket List Games.

(Screenshots taken by me. Images sourced from product pages, websites, or social media and are credited appropriately. Logos, images, etc. belong to their respective owners. All information current at time of publication.)

SOURCE: Digital Extremes

wally gx bio image of cartoon version of author, happy and smiling with glasses on blue background

Wally GX

Writer, creator Bucket List Games