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How To Find The Training Area (Monster Hunter Rise Picture Guide)

Learn how to find the hidden Monster Hunter Rise training area in a few simple steps.


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A giant turtle monster dummy in an arena with a yellow arrow pointing at it
A giant turtle monster dummy in an arena with a yellow arrow pointing at it

Today, I’ll be showing you how to find and access the training area in Monster Hunter Rise.

From the Village Entrance, travel across the bridge and head straight. Take a right, enter the Buddy Plaza, and travel to the small boat at the far end of the plaza. Take the boat to access Monster Hunter Rise’s Training Area. Or use the quick travel menu to teleport directly to the Training Area even faster.

Finding how to access the Training Area might be confusing at first but it’s easy once you learn how to do it.

Continue reading for a detailed, step-by-step picture guide of the process.

But first, what is Monster Hunter Rise’s Training Area and why would you want to access it?

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What is Monster Hunter Rise’s Training Area?

Monster Hunter Rise’s Training Area is a location in the game that allows players to practice the various weapons the game has to offer.

Players can also use the Training Area to test the game’s

  • controls
  • gameplay mechanics
  • item usage
  • defensive maneuvers
  • and much more

Why visit the Training Area

Players will want to visit the Training Area to become familiar with how the game plays and feels before taking on actual hunts.

Practice Weapons

  • It’s also a good place to try out new weapon types you haven’t tried before

Detailed Hunter Information

  • The Training Area provides on-screen information such as button presses, weapon combo attacks, and damage indicators that can prove useful

Try Items Without Consuming Them

  • Consumable items can also be used without being consumed

Customize Training Options

  • Some Training options can also be changed and adjusted to fit the player’s needs

Once you know how to locate the Training Area, you’ll want to come back often to test out and improve your skills.

How To Find Monster Hunter Rise’s Training Area

You might have asked yourself “where is the training area in Monster Hunter Rise?”, and you would be correct to do so. The Training Area is tucked off in a far corner of the Village that may go unnoticed. Until today.

Accessing the Training Area becomes much easier when you know where to locate it.

  • Estimated time: 2 minutes
  • Difficulty: Low

NOTE: Finish character creation and follow the events at the start of the game in order to access key points throughout the village.

STEP 1 – Begin At The Village Entrance

A hunter standing at the red bridge at the Village Entrance

Start at the Village Entrance

STEP 2 – Run North

A hunter running acroos the red bridge at the Village Entrance

Run across the bridge and head north into the village center (also known as Steelworks).

STEP 3 – Move Right

A hunter standing at the center of the Village with a yellow arrow pointing to the right

Turn right.

A hunter in a village with a yellow arrow pointing at a forest entrance

Locate the Buddy Plaza entrance across the bridge in the distance.

STEP 4 – Navigate To Buddy Plaza Entrance

A hunter running towards a forest entrance with a yellow arrow pointing at the entrance

Head to the Buddy Plaza entrance.

STEP 5 – Enter The Buddy Plaza

A hunter standing in front of the forest entrance

Enter the Buddy Plaza by pressing the A button.

STEP 6 – Start At The Buddy Plaza Entrance

A hunter standing in a forest

Start at the Buddy Plaza’s entrance and head north.

STEP 7 – Locate The Boat

A hunter standing in a forest plaza with a yellow arrow pointing at a boat in the distance

Locate the boat in the water in the distance.

The boat will take you to the Training Area.

STEP 8 – Take The Boat To The Training Area

A hunter standing in a forest plaza with a yellow arrow pointing at a boat in the distance

Move close to the boat until the button prompt appears overhead.

Press the A button to be taken to the Training Area.

STEP 9 – Finish

A hunter standing in a training area

You’ll be transported to the Training Area’s entrance.

A hunter standing in a training area

Congratulations. You located Monster Hunter Rise’s Training Area.

How To Fast Travel To The Training Area

Players can also fast travel (that is, quickly travel to) Monster Hunter Rise’s Training Area. This is a much simpler process and is how most will likely travel to the Training Area over the course of the game.

  • Estimated time: 1 minute
  • Difficulty: Low

NOTE: Finish character creation and follow the events at the start of the game in order to access key points throughout the village.

STEP 1 – Open The Map

A map of the village with a lsit of locations on the left

Open the village map by pressing the minus button.

STEP 2 – Select Training Area

A list of locations with a yellow arrow pointing at Training Area

Highlight the Training Area.

Press the A button to confirm and be transported to the Training Area.

STEP 3 – Finish

A hunter standing in a training area

You’ll be transported to the Training Area’s entrance.

A hunter standing in a training area

Congratulations. You fast traveled to Monster Hunter Rise’s Training Area.

Read More Great Articles

Now you know where the Training Area is located in Monster Hunter Rise.

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(Screenshots taken by me. Images sourced from product pages, websites, or social media and are credited appropriately. Logos, images, etc. belong to their respective owners. All information current at time of publication.)

SOURCE: Monster Hunter Rise | Capcom

wally gx bio image of cartoon version of author, happy and smiling with glasses on blue background

Wally GX

Writer, creator Bucket List Games