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Complete Herb Combinations Guide (Resident Evil Remake)

View Resident Evil 1 Remake’s complete herb combination list in this comprehensive picture guide.


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Green herb powder on a parchment (Resident Evil 1 Remake herb guide)
Green herb powder on a parchment (Resident Evil 1 Remake herb guide)

Resident Evil includes a host of restorative items, known as herbs, that’ll help you survive even the deadliest of monsters. Today, I’ll be going over what each herb and herb combination does in Resident Evil 1 Remake.

Herb and herb combinations are the primary ways to restore health in Resident Evil 1 Remake. Green, red, and blue herbs each have their own healing properties and can be combined for even greater curative effects.

Knowing green herbs heal, red herbs are useless alone, and blue herbs are antidotes will help you beat the game.

Continue reading to see what each herb combination does. I’ll also explain what types of herbs are in Resident Evil and how to find and use them.

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Resident Evil Remake’s Herb Combination List

Resident Evil 1 Remake’s main healing method is through the use of three herbs: green, red, and blue. Green restores health, red must be combined, and blue heals the Poison status. You can survive the toughest of encounters by simply remembering what each herb and combination does.

Let’s take a look at the complete list of herbs and herb combinations included in Resident Evil 1 Remake.

Green Herb25% Health Restore
Red HerbCombine Only
Blue HerbCures Poison
Green + Blue25% Health Restore + Cures Poison
Green + Green50% Health Restore
Green + Green + Green100% Health Restore
Green + Red100% Health Restore
Green + Red + Blue100% Health Restore + Cures Poison

Use this quick-guide table whenever you want to know what each herb and herb combination does in Resident Evil Remake.

NOTE: Herb restoration are approximates based on repeat plays and trusted source aggregates.

What Does Resident Evil’s Green Herb Do?

Green herb (Resident Evil 1 Remake inventory screenshot)
Image: Capcom

Green herbs restore 25% health.

  • Approx. Health Restoration: 20-30%

What Does Resident Evil’s Red Herb Do?

Red herb (Resident Evil 1 Remake inventory screenshot)
Image: Capcom

Red herbs must be combined with green or blue herbs.

One red herb and one green herb heals 100% health.

NOTE: A red herb can’t be used by itself.

What Does Resident Evil’s Blue Herb Do?

Blue herb (Resident Evil 1 Remake inventory screenshot)
Image: Capcom

A blue herb acts as an antidote and cures the Poison status.

  • Cures Poison

NOTE: Poison status gradually drains health. Use a blue herb as soon as possible once poisoned.

What Do Mixed Herbs Do In Resident Evil?

Resident Evil mixed herbs provide increased restorative properties compared to using herbs by themselves. Green herbs heal more health and red herbs boost green herb’s curative properties when combined.

Mixed herbs provide greater healing properties than when used alone

Learning how to combine herbs properly in Resident Evil is vital. Doing so will help you restore the maximum amount of health you can in any given situation.

Combing green and red herbs have saved me from certain death so many times against zombie and dog attacks that I’ve lost count.

Now let’s take a look at all 5 herb combinations in Resident Evil 1 Remake.

Green + Blue Herb Combination

Blue and green herb on parchment paper (Resident Evil 1 Remake inventory screenshot)
Image: Capcom

A green and blue herb combined heals 25% health and cures Poison.

  • Cures Poison
  • Approx. Health Restoration: 20-30%

Green + Green Herb Combination

Green herb on parchment paper (Resident Evil 1 Remake inventory screenshot)
Image: Capcom

Two green herbs combined heals 50% health.

  • Approx. Health Restoration: 50-60%

Green + Green + Green Herb Combination

Green herb on parchment paper (Resident Evil 1 Remake inventory screenshot)
Image: Capcom

Three green herbs combined heals 100% health.

  • Heals 100% health

Green + Red Herb Combination

Red and green herb on parchment paper (Resident Evil 1 Remake inventory screenshot)
Image: Capcom

A red and green herb combined heals 100% health.

  • Heals 100% health

Green + Red + Blue Herb Combination

Mixed herbs on parchment paper (Resident Evil 1 Remake inventory screenshot)
Image: Capcom

A red, green, and blue herb combined heals 100% health and cures Poison.

  • Cures Poison
  • Heals 100% health

What Are Resident Evil Herbs And What Do They Do?

Green herb (Resident Evil 1 Remake inventory screenshot)
Image: Capcom

Herbs restore health and status conditions in Resident Evil 1 Remake and throughout the Resident Evil series. These small green, red, and blue shrubs are the primary way to heal, can be combined to provide more potent effects, and can be found in many places throughout the game.

Herbs restore health and status conditions in Resident Evil

Picking an herb off the ground adds it to your inventory, where it can be used to restore health or to cure the Poison status.

There are a limited supply of herbs that can be found, however, so using each one becomes a process of strategic resource use.

How Many Types Of Herbs Are There In Resident Evil Remake?

There are three types of herbs in Resident Evil Remake:

  • Green
  • Red
  • Blue

Additionally, combining herbs will lead to even better results.

Where Are Herbs Found In Resident Evil Remake?

Chris standing next to a green herb with a yellow aroow pointing at the green herb (Resident Evil herb guide)
Image: Capcom

In Resident Evil, herbs can be found throughout every location in the game. Many of the rooms in the Mansion, inside safe rooms, throughout the Courtyard, and up to the final boss encounter contain restorative herbs to use.

Herbs can be found throughout every location in the game

They’re often lying on the ground but can be found on shelves, atop crates, and sometimes tucked away in a corner.

TIP: Pay attention to the vibrant herb leaves whenever you enter a new area or new screen to find them all.

How To Pick Up Herbs In Resident Evil Remake

Resident Evil herbs are easy to pick up. Simply move your character close to the herb you want and press the correct button to add it to your inventory. Then, confirm that you want to do so by selecting “Yes’ when prompted.

Resident Evil herbs are easy to pick up

Picking up herbs is a simple, two-step process that just about anyone can do.

1) Get Close To A Herb

Chris kneeling over herbs with a yellwo arrow pointing at Chris (Resident Evil herb guide)
Image: Capcom

To pick up an herb and add it to your inventory, move your character close to an herb.

Press the confirm/action button.

2) Add The Herb To Your Inventory

An inventory screen with a herb and a yellow arrow pointing at the word "Yes" (Resident Evil herb guide)
Image: Capcom

A message will prompt you to pick it up. Select “Yes”.

As a result, the herb will be added to your inventory as long as you have space.

Keep in mind, you must have at least one free inventory slot to pick up one herb.

Read this useful article I created to help you better understand the game’s inventory system and whether you can drop items.

Read More Great Articles

Now you know what each herb and herb combination does in Resident Evil 1 Remake.

Bookmark this site to stay up to date with even more Resident Evil guides, tips, and tricks.

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(Screenshots taken by me. Images sourced from product pages, websites, or social media and are credited appropriately. Logos, images, etc. belong to their respective owners. All information current at time of publication.)

SOURCE: Resident Evil Remake | Capcom

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Wally GX

Writer, creator Bucket List Games