Hello there! I’m Wally and I loved games since I was a wee little lad, watching my mom play Tetris on the NES so many moons ago.
That one moment helped define a live long love of video games, which inspired me to create this website to celebrate the awesomeness of games.
Bucket List Games is where I share my love of games in an easy-to understand manner.
My goal is to show you the very best games you should be playing that you might have passed on or might have missed.
Get ready for Top Games Lists, gaming guides, tips and tricks, and so much more to help you on your gaming journey

I play games on Nintendo consoles, Steam PC, and through the Xbox Game Pass PC service.
This is why Bucket List Games will primarily focus on Nintendo and Nintendo Switch, Steam computer, Xbox Game Pass PC, Windows 10, and mobile games and related content.
Of course, games from other platforms such as PlayStation consoles will definitely make it on Top Games Lists along with the Bucket List itself.
If you don’t know what the Bucket List is, it is the go-to list of every game you must play in your life.
And you can find it by clicking here.

I have been gaming for more than 20 years, starting with the Nintendo Entertainment System.
As it always has been, gaming is my primary hobby and is more so a part of my life than a hobby.
I Started Playing Games With The Original Nintendo (NES)
I played my older’s brother Nintendo Entertainment System in the early 1990s. We had about 30 or so games for it.
My favorite NES games include
- Mega Man 2
- Super C
- Little Ninja Brothers
- and Ninja Gaiden
The Super Nintendo (SNES) Was The First Console That Belonged To Me
My grandmother and mom gifted me a Super Nintendo in the 1990s. I owned upwards of 80 games for it.
My favorite SNES games include
- Secret of Evermore
- Final Fantasy 3
- Super Metroid
- and Tetris Attack
My First 3D Console Was The Nintendo 64
I was gifted a Nintendo 64 in 1999 while my younger brother was gifted a PlayStation 1. We became a two console household.
My favorite Nintendo 64 games include
- Harvest Moon 64
- The New Tetris
- Perfect Dark
- and Mario Party
The PlayStation 2 Was The First Next Generation Console We Owned
My older brother purchased a PlayStation 2 which I really enjoyed and played daily.
My favorite PlayStation 2 games include
- Gran Turismo 3
- Ico
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
- and Final Fantasy X
The Nintendo GameCube Was The First Console I Purchased With My Own Money
I bought a Nintendo GameCube at launch, and it is tripled tied as my favorite console of all time. I bought over 100 games for it.
My favorite GameCube games include
- Metroid Prime
- Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 & 2
- F-Zero GX
- Eternal Darkness
- TimesSplitters 2
- and Gotcha Force
Wii Was My First Console I Played As An Adult
I bought a Wii at launch and it is triple tied as my favorite console of all time. I bought over 100 games for it spanning every genre.
My favorite Wii games include
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- Trauma Center: Second Opinion
- Guitar Hero 3, Ghost Squad
- Super Mario Galaxy
- and Gold’s Gym: Cardio Workout
I Purchased A Xbox 360 To Play Resident Evil and DDR
I bought an Xbox 360 and became an Xbox fan immediately
I mostly played Capcom and Sqaure Enix games along with Dance Dance Revolution, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, and Pac-Man Championship Edition.
I owned Nearly Every Nintendo Handheld
I had or bought most Nintendo handhelds including the original Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, GBA SP, Nintendo DS, DS Lite, Nintendo DSi XL, and a New Nintendo 3DS.
My favorite handheld games include
- the Pokémon series
- Professor Layton series
- Picross 3D (Nintendo DS)
- the Castlevania games
- and the Mega Man Battle Network and Zero series
I Started My Computer (PC) Gaming Journey In The Early 2010s
I began gaming on the computer via the Steam application. This is the primary place I play games not on Nintendo consoles.
My favorite Steam and PC games include
- Paladins
- Warframe
- Tomb Raider reboot
- Gauntlet reboot
- Monster Hunter World
- and Magic The Gathering: Arena
I Enjoyed Playing Nintendo Wii U With My Family
I bought a Wii U at launch and enjoyed many of its exclusives. And I had a great time playing games with my family, significant other, and friends.
My favorite Wii U games include
- Pikmin 3
- Nintendo Land
- Nano Assault Neo
- Pushmo World
- and Hyrule Warriors
Nintendo Switch Is One Of My Favorite Systems Of All Time
I bought a Nintendo Switch at launch, and it is tripled tied for my favorite console of all time.
My favorite Nintendo Switch games include
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
- Metroid Dread
- Fitness Boxing series
- and Pokémon Unite
I Love Playing Games On PC Via Xbox Game Pass
I am an active member of Xbox Game Pass for PC, and I am enjoying playing contemporary games not found on Nintendo consoles.
Some of the games I’ve enjoyed on Xbox Game Pass for PC include
- Ape Out
- Minit
- Streets of Rage 4
- and Demon’s Tilt
I Created My Own Game
I also created my very own game called Stranded by using game-maker software in the 2010s.
This was for an online game making competition.
The Very Best For You
Thanks for stopping by and getting to know me!
I will do everything in my ability to provide the best video game information I can.
And I will use my 20+ years of gaming experience, writing expertise, and love of the video game industry to make it happen.